Original Article by Korean Newspaper ‘Money Today’, 22th Feb. 2023 https://news.mt.co.kr/mtview.php?no=2023022210304534166

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Fintech company Doomoolmori recently announced on the 22nd that it has applied for a patent for "direct indexing execution device, method, and computer program for tax savings."

According to Doomoolmori, the patent applied for this time is an optimized tax-saving solution that takes into account factors such as investment period and future profit and loss scenarios, not only utilizing additional tax-saving opportunities compared to stock-type ETF or fund investments through direct indexing.

A company official stated, "Through this, we have prepared tax optimization not only for the optimization of capital gains tax incurred in current US stock trading through direct indexing techniques, but also for the application of the Financial Investment Income Tax Law to domestic stocks from 2025."

According to the company, direct indexing is an investment technique that allows direct investment in an automatically managed stock portfolio that follows a personalized investment index. Unlike financial products such as funds or ETFs, inclusion stocks can be freely edited according to the individual's investment value.

Chun Yeong Rok, the CEO of Doomoolmori, said, "The tax optimization, one of the advantages of direct indexing for investors, is now ready," adding, "I think there will be a great opportunity for a fusion model of conversational AI such as chat GPT and direct indexing in the future."

Meanwhile, Doomoolmori released the first direct indexing service in the industry, 'Tailor,' last year.